Yiwu Miao Wei mentioned at the meeting

"Establishment of the National SME Development Fund is always to implement the" SME Promotion Law inches, play an important function in initiatives to advertise allocation of assets. Equity financing is a vital tool to support the true economy, is the existing embodiment of the supply-side structural reforms to advertise an important measure on the market towards high-end, yiwu map will be the transformation of government capabilities, improve financial governance capacity and performance of an important institutional innovation. "Recently, often the National SME Growth Fund for job conference held in Beijing, Minister of Market and Information Technology Miao Wei stressed the actual establishment When the circumstance pointed out the importance of countrywide SME Development Investment.

Miao Wei mentioned at the meeting, launched the national SME Development Fund organised the first meeting from the Governing Council Initial situation. GEF Local authority or council for consideration and also a vote by the Account Council chairman, perversité chairman and assistant of the Board prospect, "National SME Progress Fund Council do the job rules" and "National SME Development Finance Council office work principles. " At the same time, Yiwu market furthermore considered the "National SME Development Fund sub-fund the first phase in the establishment of the program" and "National SME Development Fund for that first phase on the sub-fund manager assortment program. "

Based on reports, the National SME Development Fund may focus on support in these directions: first, to market public business, People innovation, nurture and make a new engine regarding economic growth. Specifically the focus on helping innovation and progress small and micro companies, and stimulate industry vitality and pioneeringup-and-coming enthusiasm. The second is in promoting the implementation with the "Made in The far east 2025" to promote industrialization and information technology use and development. 3 rd is to promote the particular "Internet +" actions plan. Fourth, to enhance the production of services, yiwu fair high end services and fresh services for SME development. Fifth, encourage the transformation and also upgrading of standard industries, small and method enterprises. Sixth, improve the dominant placement of innovation, help for innovative SMEs, healthy development, specifically small and micro establishments. VII is to showcase green development.