According to Su Wei introduced, although climate change conference in Paris on November 30 was held, but the core work of the Assembly --- on the negotiation and development of the Paris agreement to tackle climate change actually began on the 29th. 29 afternoon, Working Group on the Durban Platform responsible for the Paris agreement to start negotiations on the text of a meeting of nearly 200 parties then entered the intensive consultations. Yiwu market November 30, about 150 heads of state and government attended the opening ceremony activities. Leaders address the General Assembly to take the form of a positive outcome inject political impetus to the General Assembly. In the first week of the climate change conference in Paris, the Paris agreement of the parties will fully negotiate the terms of the text.
Preliminary idea of the General Assembly that morning of December 5, Durban Platform working group will focus on the formation of the draft agreement in Paris. The afternoon of December 5, the Conference of the Parties "Convention" will consider the outcome of negotiations, and decide how to focus on the results of the second week negotiators reached, Yiwu City and then expand the ministerial negotiations and consultations, the final is expected to be December 11 to form the final document . Su Wei said: "The time is very tight, it may be a will pick a time to calculate every minute." From the experience of previous climate change conference, the extension of the final results have not uncommon. Seen in this light, the climate change conference in Paris can not rule out the possibility of an extension to reach an agreement.
Su Wei said that the agreement is very clear authorization in Paris, not to create a new international regime to tackle climate change, but to negotiate within the framework of consultations on how "the Convention" in 2020 to further strengthen the response to climate change related activities. He stressed that the nature of the Paris Agreement in mitigation, adaptation, funding, technology transfer and capacity-building support and other issues, the further implementation and enforcement "of the Convention." Such a legal document should and principles "of the Convention," the provisions, objectives, framework strain. Yiwu Toys Market From this perspective, the Paris agreement "should be legally binding." Paris agreement made after 2020 except how to further strengthen the implementation of the "Convention", will make arrangements and requirements on after the Paris agreement to five years between 2020 and how to implement the Paris agreement.