Yiwu Futian market FTA

As of the end of April this year, a total of registered leasing companies Dongjiang 1026, total registered capital of 63.84 billion yuan, completed a total of 485 aircraft leasing business, as well as 71 international shipping vessels, Yiwu Wholesale Market leasing eight offshore oil drilling platforms, aircraft, ships, marine equipment leasing cumulative total assets of $ 29.83 billion. Dongjiang is gradually developing into the financial center of China Marine.

According to the Tianjin Free Trade Zone, deputy director of the Tianjin Dongjiang Bonded Area Administrative Committee director Zhang Aiguo said, in order to encourage the healthy development of the financial industry to support the maritime, Dongjiang Bonded Port formulated the "China (Tianjin), Tianjin Free Trade Experimental Area Dongjiang Port Area on accelerating the development of the maritime finance industry (Interim) incentives ", and supported by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, customs, tax and other departments.According to reports, Yiwu market Dongjiang will promote investment facilitation and regulatory facilitation, encourage domestic and foreign investors to set up businesses related to shipping finance industry in eastern Xinjiang, allowing the establishment of foreign-owned international ship management companies; leasing companies support the local customs and shipbuilding Customs linkage with innovative clearance model, the implementation of convenient customs clearance supervision.

Dongjiang enhance the financing and facilitation, encourage domestic and foreign financial institutions, insurance, securities, investment companies and other institutions to establish a special fund to invest in shipping Dongjiang investment, yiwu city while optimizing the tax-related services to meet the conditions for the export of goods to implement financial leasing export tax rebates on exports of finance lease structures marine engineering practice deemed export tax rebate policy.