Yiwu Wrecker up the stage for the Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Since last year the implementation of the reform of the Commercial System, the registered capital subscribed system, according to the first post-cards, annual publicity system and other new initiatives launched to stimulate the enthusiasm of the public and private investment in the venture. Yiwu Futian Market Statistics show that the first quarter of this year, 84 newly registered enterprises. 40,000, an increase of 38 over last year. 4% of the registered capital (gold) up to 4. 8 trillion yuan, an increase of 90. 6%.

SAIC director Zhang Mao said recently that this year will advance to maximize the effectiveness of the government's public service, the most critical step is to promote the "three cards in one" work to achieve "a photo of a code" as soon as possible. "Three-in-one card" refers to sequentially when applying business registration were issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce business license, organization code issued by the administration, organization code certificate, tax registration certificate issued by the tax department, to the first application, the combined issuance A business license registration system. Yiwu market The industry and commerce, taxation, quality of the "three cards Three" into the "one according to a code", is considered to be the most difficult year, the reform of the Commercial System bite "bones." The so-called "one according to a code", is to "bite acceptance, parallel processing, information sharing, mutual recognition of the results" were issued by three different licenses sectors, changed from a department-issued load legal persons and other organizations a unified social credit code business license.

Reporters learned that Jiangsu Suqian launched in mid-April, "a photo of a code" registration reform, the original business license registration number, organization code, tax registration number integrated into an independent commercial registration certificate number, the license only Load Commercial registration number. Change the business in the past, "marathon" accreditation embarrassment. Business Law Institute of Renmin University of China Judicial Conciliation said, "a photo of a code" helps to simplify market access procedures, reduce business costs and encourage investment in Societe Generale. yiwu city Entrepreneurs simply fill out a form, submit a set of data, apply to a department, you can get the same unique identity as the natural person identification code. He said that reform to achieve information sharing industry and commerce, taxation, quality inspection departments to strengthen tax collection and management, implementation of credit discipline, strict market exit and other aspects of strengthening the departmental interaction, while forming a monitoring force, improve the reform and commercial synergies.