Yiwu Market Entrepreneurship and innovation ecological effect gradually

Since Branch Park was established more than a year, such as the Sun Xun shipped with projects assigned high-level personnel have 65 projects. Currently, Kechuang project leader in the park, has been the national "people plan" expert 13, the province "thousands of people plan" expert (provincial key personnel) 6, more than 90 PhD. A large number of outstanding scientific and technological start-ups and venture overseas talent to accelerate settled Branch Park, the park's ecological effects of entrepreneurship and innovation has been gradually revealed.Branch Park is located in Beiyuan street area location. To create the beginning, the city will be positioned as a strategic platform for the construction of science and technology in Yiwu and innovation engine, Yiwu market from feather-for-sugar formula to technology-driven business start-ups starting station. Currently, the park covers an area of ​​205 acres, it has built a total area of ​​316,200 square meters of property, including technology start-ups complexes, boutique research and development buildings, senior personnel apartment blocks and other creative life.

Park Branch responsible person, and other business park is different in the introduction of science and technology park Kechuang entrepreneurial accelerate enterprise, while efforts to introduce compound schools, and medium-sized enterprises to set up local institutes and Enterprise Institute, "thousands of people Program "projects and projects at home and abroad all kinds of high-end talent, focus on fostering the development of creative design, high-end equipment manufacturing, new generation of information technology, new energy, new materials, bio-medicine and other strategic emerging industries.In order to attract high-level personnel assigned to Branch Park, the park offers a business incubator for the admission of venture capital funding, funding for achievements in industry, business loan interest, rental concessions, settled (start-up costs) subsidies and other preferential policies. yiwu city For example, the incubation enterprises can enjoy the 500 square meters within three years of free product (office) buildings; accelerate enterprises within three years can enjoy 2,000 square meters of free product (office) space, while enterprises can also enjoy free matching talent apartment . For high-level entrepreneurial talent at home and abroad established businesses located in the park, will give business start-up capital in accordance with the "Yiwu excellence" program, the contribution of local incentives, discount on technological renovation and product (office) buildings subsidies and other support, the highest five-year total of 5000 million; as academicians or equivalent level of talent led the creation of the enterprise, can get up to 800 million venture start-up capital, national or provincial key personnel led the creation of enterprises, but also were given 500 million, 2 million Yuan's start-up capital.

On the basis of the preferential policies, the park also introduced the theme park industry operators Insigma Core research operations management. Dr. Li Heng, vice president of the new group Insigma said that the park is being gradually into "four operating platforms, eight service system", relying on Zhejiang University, Yiwu Futian Market Insigma Group, Zhejiang University alumni strategic resource elements, to build science and technology, human resources, capital, information, etc. global resource network to provide superior service for the enterprises in the park.