Yiwu Market Sharing a green home

For eight years, the city adhere to create a "National Forest City" as improving people's livelihood, restructuring and development, improve the environment, improve urban quality of priority, adhere to "a blueprint drawn in the end," and with "a total of five water governance", "four sides three "and other actions to promote integrated rural and urban greening, the implementation of the city's green lung, the forest path, forest village, forest river, forest industry, Yiwu market forest culture Chong Sen ten projects, the initial formation of integrated urban and rural forest ecological network.

For less than the amount of urban green issues, since 2012, the city invested a total of 2.04 billion yuan forest city construction funds, and gradually formed a large green environment as the basis for the green channel for the network, to community, village green as the basis, to the park, Green Street for the trunk road embellishment, prominent riverside pergola, Airport Road landscape protection forest belt featuring point, line, surface combination of urban and forest ecosystems. Yiwu Hotels Up to now, the city's forest coverage rate reached 51.40%, urban green coverage rate of 40.68%, 35.7% rate of green space per capita green area of ​​12.03 square meters park, waterfront forest green rate 92.25%, road greening rate of 91.45%.

Looking to the future, the construction of urban forest "green journey" long way to go. When Sheng Qiuping at the meeting, entitled "Building a green mall and build a forest Yiwu Futian Market " typical statement said Forest City building only a starting point not the end. Yiwu will take this meeting as an opportunity to seriously implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping "Guanghui is Jinshanyinshan" important thought, according to the State Forestry Administration to deploy, learn the advanced experience of the brothers of the city, continued to consolidate Chong Sen achievements, and constantly improve the urban forest construction level, so that people sharing a green home.