Untenable!Curry done with skill and ease

The Warriors on the road to beat the Timberwolves, taking 10 in a row. It also broke http://www.broncosauthenticofficial.com/gino-gradkowski-jersey_c-552.html the best start to record the history of the team. In the game and his great power, the first section 21 points, this is the fourth time this season he individual single section cut down 20 + data. Finally the match in 15 of 25 shots with 46 points, individual left in eight 3-pointers. Guard, it is unable to.
Warriors started very well and made a foul in the Treasury after 3 free throws, and direct hand long shots from the perimeter, 10 to 0. Lavin reverse layup after, garage and hits three points from the perimeter. Although wiggins and downs after struggling to charge back, but in the first section the Timberwolves defense are a problem, lead to the Warriors firmly control the situation. Ago, near the end of first quarter garage layup after established three points again, individual single quarter had 21 points, the visitors ahead at about 40 - and it is also a garage 4 times the season single section cut down 20 + data.
A 3-pointer after continuous Randy Starks Womens Jersey clark, the Warriors had 18 points ahead. But the Timberwolves substitute is not fuel-efficient lamp, Mohammed continuous hit the basket, 7 minutes, 38 seconds before half-time, he fast-break dunk to score, the score into 42-48. Livingston, even after 4 points, even the long shots steady Thompson. Although downs and wiggins still do well, it's a pity that the Timberwolves unable to parry attack of the Warriors. Garage at the last minute break buzzer playing board, 75-63.
Lavin, after two free throws the score to 67-75, Barnes raid layup successful, then the perimeter up in three points, the Warriors to the widening gap between the two figures. After the game initiative has always been the mighty control, garage under the condition of the once-sleepy sudden outbursts, less than 30 seconds hits three points in a row, the Warriors with a 97-76 lead with 21 points. But at this moment the Timberwolves YueZhanYueYong instead, with a wave of 11 0 three quarters before the end of the climax of the battle, 87-97, details the two teams still have the first world war.
Details of Martin hit Marcus Gilchrist Youth Jersey the first three points, the old miller added two points. Martin layup after cover using, the score into 94-99. After the two teams into the seesaw battle, the score alternating rise. Arsenal scored five points after his appearance, but the home team does not show weakness, wiggins flank hit, don't was found positive 3-pointer. Critical moment green second hand and hit the bottom line, Thompson Warriors 119-108 to establish a double-digit lead. The last minute the Timberwolves directly choose to give up, garage again after established three points, the individual frames in 46 points, the Warriors scored 10 straight wins narrowly missed.
Although full down in only four assists directly subject to double, but when doubled-teamed him more decisive pass, when he passed on to the green, green pass again or to post to Mr Zelli dunk, or double-team Barnes, Thompson feet have three points, every form of open shots, 12 assists to remove green transformation attack, other is just like that, he sent out 12 assists with garage attract defense has much to do, to some extent, garage on the number of assists all transformed to him here.
Remember the NBA finals last season knight is how to treat a garage? Every time when the garage with ball and roll the knight always double, forced garage pass absolutely not let the ball put them to death in the Treasury, the outbreak of the Treasury's passing made iguodala, let iguodala unexpectedly Jordan Phillips Dolphins Jersey became the finals MVP, when many people in Ming gravamen, they think iguodala obvious touch the light of the garage, got so many open shots by his contain power.