There's so much shit happening in there, in fact, that a panoramic view was enough to slow down my computer

Things end.It s inevitable.The first time I returned home to Dallas/Fort Worth after a year of being in Tennessee for college, the regular neighborhood haunts were suddenly foreign places, inhabited by strangers.The local coffee shop was familiar yet If chaos had a taste then Cassie McQuater could recommend you a spice to go with it.She calls herself a net artist but a more fitting title might be "Mistress of Pandemonium" or "Mayhem's Little Sister.

" Head inside her latest videogame End of Light #8 and you'll see why.It's a tumultuous virtual world with 3D models of dolphins and a smattering of computer icons orbiting the skies, clipping through anything and everything.It's also a collaboration with musician Jono Mi Lo, who contributes music from his album End of Light, while McQuater gives us the tools to paint tapestries of glitches along to the melodies.You can really make a mess simply by moving around this corrupted paradise while toggling between the two "glitched views" you're granted.

There's so much shit happening in there, in fact, that a panoramic view was enough to slow down my computer, and I'm not running cheap hardware over here.drowning under all the inescapable pressures of online existence.This isn't all too FIFA 16 Coins PC surprising considering McQuater's oeuvre.She's warped the virtual landscapes of Google Earth, caused chat bots to miscalculate procedures, and practically broke the Unity game engine and piped out the remains for us to pick through inNO FUN HOUSE.