Popovich has high appreciates and hopes for Leonard, Aldridge

In the wake http://www.authenticspursshop.com/authentic-12-lamarcus-aldridge-jersey.html of a new season 3-2 the representation for the spurs can work, but for the invest heavily in the summer the spurs obviously the result is not enough. Spurs coach gregg popovich recently in an interview on the team when the couple lamarcus Aldridge has carried on the simple review.
Lamarcus Aldridge joined in the summer, is generally considered Duncan's successor, the spurs are the hope of the future. And five games down, adebayor average 14.8 points per game, 10 rebounds, 2.2 assists and 0.4 steals and 0.6 blocked shots, the performance is not satisfactory.
Popovich through observation of airport game already know adebayor's problem: "he's too indulge Kawhi Leonard Womens Jersey his teammates, he sometimes have the chance to open shots, but there was no. In fact he knew he should how to choose, but he hopes as soon as possible into the team, he indulge the other players. Even if he should be shot, he can also choose to move the ball. So I want to tell him" shot! 'forget to indulge his teammates, you only need to play your game well, get chance shot, if you too much, I'll tell you. "
Now the spurs, adebayor and Leonard's role is the bridge between GDP and the next age, this situation lasts until adebayor and Leonard alone can lead the team to win. And now, adebayor is learning how to play this role.
Popovich said: "I don't want him to move without the ball like manu ginobili, but he needs to know these tactics. I'll use that Duncan that set of tactics to exercise his rookie, he need to get the ball in the right place, in the important place to get the ball, to be our leader. Obviously, whether this aspect from me or from this aspect, he what do we need to make some changes."
Compared Thunder Dion Waiters Jersey with adriano, gregg popovich to Leonard to rest assured a lot, Leonard has, after all, is the best defensive player last season. Leonard of the new season, however, the performance of the surprise, averaging 18.8 shots than more than six times last season, and is averaging 21.6 points and 9.2 rebounds, and 1.6 blocked shots and 2 steals data also illustrates his good enough.
Leonard had popovich has been to have to do what Gary payton is good at, but from the start of the season, gregg popovich to Leonard design tactics, and these tactics have is designed for manu ginobili.
Gregg popovich has made no secret of Leonard's admiration: "Jordan on both ends to do things, he also can do it. I'm not saying he is Michael Jordan. I mean, Jordan's performance at both ends are very good, but kobe Bryant in peak http://www.authenticthunderstore.com/authentic-35-kevin-durant-jersey.html also can do this. When you think about the superstar in the league, they are both on both ends of the double experts, and Leonard also want to be a player."