It's a lot of exploration, trying things out, iterating, and evolving

It's a lot of exploration, trying things out, iterating, and evolving.New ideas come forth as I work, and I just try to keep up with them.I think that's why I'm calling it Entropy things are always changing, evolving, and moving forward.That's the idea I'm keeping in mind during the creation process.In the end, I think Entropy is a collection of my dreams, trips, and other spiritual moments.It's a culmination of me exploring these experiences, and putting them into interactive form.

Q: Is there a specific premise behind Entropy or is it more general exploration?A: The premise is that you explore this dream world, discover a surreal landscape, and bring it to life.As you approach a tree, for example, it blossoms with color and life: leaves grow, the branches pulse and breathe, and it sings with music.I'm aiming for it to be musical in nature with everything having a musical sound to it, that contributes to a greater song that plays as you walk around.

There will also be a series of key moments that I'm looking to incorporate.Like the dancing mushroom, or looking out on the water.I'm highlighting a few things in the world that give you pause, make you reflect.Like a flying whale dragon.In the end, though, it's much like a walk through the woods.There are no clear objectives, because when you take a FIFA 16 Coins PC hike, or walk in the woods, you're not trying to accomplish anything.You're just enjoying the ride.