Incredible! rookie that the unsuccessful refresh history

76er suffered when start, but in 87-91 loss Cowboys Sean Lee Jersey to the Bucks in the game, the rookie TJ - mitch McConnell has set up a record, in season four, McConnell 12 assists twice, he also became the NBA's first career in the field to complete the achievement of the player.
The 23-year-old McConnell height 1 meter 85, the secretary point guard, the guard from the university of Arizona in the summer on the draft out, then 76 and he signed a non-guaranteed contract, during the period of the NCAA, McConnell has outstanding performance, selected the best squad partition, and now, the young point guard began to emerge in the NBA.
Game before the season two, McConnell in only get 6 points and eight assists, and the performance is not obvious. , however, the cavaliers to world war I, he is to let a person shine at the moment, he is a substitute of 23 minutes to 6 points, seven rebounds, 12 assists all-around performance, no turnovers, manipulation and control of the game as don't like a couple, in the final moments of the game, 76er in a big deficit down renounced all main force, but he was later to lead the team set off a tidal wave of attack, although 76er eventually lose, but he proved his ability.
It against the Bucks, 76er making adjustment to the starting line-up, McConnell replace James Jones Navy Blue Jersey Canaan as the starting point guard, in the game, he again became the team playmaker, under his care, 76er change, played very stable, and eventually the Bucks to finally, only defeat.
McConnell again sent seven points, nine rebounds and 12 assists for all-around performance, this is just the McConnell career in the first four games, but he has played the manner of a mature point guard, according to the statistics show, he became the first in NBA history in his career in the first four games at least two players of 12 assists. A draft made history, really a little weird.