I just eagerly put my reel mower together, having spent much time researching whether I should get one or not. The reviews on here were especially helpful. In short, I'm glad I bought it.
1. Safer: no flying rocks or other projectiles, your kids won't sneak up on you and get extremities caught in the blade the way they do with gas mowers. As an ED physician, this is an especially important observation that I don't think had been pointed out before.
2. Quieter: my neighbors are thankful, as are my ears
3. No smoke, no gas fumes
4. Easier handling than gas mower, lighter, can get in crevices more easily and safely
5. Better for environment, save on gas, oil.
6. Easier to start-up; I'm more likely to cut the grass with this mower
7. Doesn't take any longer to mow then lawn vs. a gas mower (and if you gas mower is finicky, will probalby be faster).
1. Requires a bit more elbow grease with thick grass, especially on hills. Not a lot more, but a bit more (good exercise though).
2. Tall grass/weeds will not be easily cut with this; anything taller than 6-8 inches probably won't spring back up in time for the blades to cut them
3. 20" cutting swath a bit more narrow than your average gas mower, so you may need a few more passes. On flat land, it's no problem whatsoever.
I'm happy with this mower, how well it holds up remains to be seen. Construction quality is decent, the price and free shipping can't be beat. Haven't tried the $200+ models of reel mowers, so I can't comment.
If you have a smaller (< 0.5 acre), relatively flat yard, what are you waiting for?! If you like to think of mowing the lawn as exercise and have a bit larger yard, this may also be for you. Lastly, if you have kids and safety is a concern, (yes, you Volvo all-wheel-drive owners out there), a reel mower is also the way to go.http://www.cnsuperpower.com/