There are also new cutscenes that depict the Shades as people attempting to defend themselves from Nier's onslaught

There are also new cutscenes that depict the Shades as people attempting to defend themselves from Nier's onslaught.Turns out their reason behind killing isn't so different to Nier's then, huh? These types of revelations is FIFA 16 Coins exactly what Yoko's games are only for.It's his way to get us to interact with discourse around morality, war, and violence within the real world through his work (it's probably much less surprising he never meant to get associated with videogames within the first place).People often say his games are dark, but Yoko only sees himself as reflecting the planet, and appears to suggest that it is the light treatment and expectation of violence in videogames that's truly dark.

"why I'm not human?"That's the recap over for the time being.Try to let everything sink in.Right then, the question that arises with NieR: Automatais what Yoko sees within the world now and how he's let this mold the sport's story.What's the discourse he's going to possess us considering this time? The significance from the stage play that Automata has connections to is the fact that it provides for us insight into the solution (huge because of's detailed summary from the play).Let's get in it then: "YoRHa," happens play, is set within the year11,939AD, which ismillennia after NieR happened.

But, just like NieR, it's rooted in events which are the results of humans nearly going extinct and attempting to preserve themselves.This time, the issue is with "Living Machines" that invaded Earth and slaughtered humanity, forcing the FIFA 16 Coins IOS survivors to consider refuge around the Moon (stick to it).In hopes of eventually resuming life on Earth, the humans constantly send down androids referred to as YoRHa to be able to battle the Living Machines, but after centuries to do this have to date been unsuccessful.