Drilling Mud Decanter Centrifuge Separation Principle

KOSUN drilling mud decanter centrifuges http://www.kosun.us/solids-control-equipment/decanter-centrifuge.html unit of measurement designed to deliver high fluid recovery rates and economical solids management. Together, that adds up to an enormous reduction at intervals the operator’s total fluids worth and fewer waste for disposal.

The KOSUN line of ruggedly built drilling decanter centrifuge were designed for every field and industrial applications. They are notably effective in meeting the fluid-on-cuttings discharge desires in environmentally sensitive areas.

The series of horizontal centrifuge by our company has been developed a few years with the continual improvement and improvement style, that possesses the characteristics of excellent results of separation and settlement, yet as lots of abundance, reliable work, longer life, lower energy consumption, simple maintenance, sleek operation, lower noises, etc.

Drilling mud decanter centrifuge separation principle is to use high-speed rotating roller driven into the mud within the high speed rotating drum, mud was drop into the wall to create a liquid circle, solid phased particles of liquid ring get bigger than its own gravity for undreds or maybe thousands of times the result of force, can overcome the resistance of the suspension body to the roller on the inner wall of fast subsidence fashioned solid layer, liquid forming liquid layer.