Vertical Centrifuge Use to Liquid-solid Separation

In oil and gas exploration and development process, it tends to generate a large amount of waste drilling fluid which is a kind of colloidal suspension composed of drilling fluid treatment agent and cuttings rock particles. At present, in domestic industry, the material is just recycled by a little amount and the remaining wasted drilling fluids are basically adopting the way of direct emissions and natural method of concentration, drying, harmful substances bury in which many kinds of substances are beyond available provisions of the state standards.

During the working cycle of vertical centrifuge (VC), the feed is introduced from the top of the machine through the charging hopper, immediately accelerated to the machine speed by the cone cap and flights and directed to the screen basket surface. Liquid-solid separation starts immediately after contact with the screen basket surface.

The flow rate over the screen is controlled by the speed differential between the cone and the basket and by the flights, which also agitate or roll the solids to further assist separation. Solids are discharged at the screen bottom and fall by gravity into the discharge area of the machine. Solids can then be collected by a hopper or other conveying system placed underneath the machine. Fluids flow through the screen in the launder area and are discharged through the effluent opening.

During oil exploration and production, a large amount of waste is generated on well sites and is left in waste pits. In the rainy season, when the waste pits leak, overflow or are inundated by rainwater, incompletely treated solid contents may bring adverse effects to underground water and surface water, endanger surrounding ecological environment or even result in pollution incidents. It is a significant task for current oil and gas field enterprises that how to adopt corresponding waste management technologies and how to minimize harm of waste drilling fluid to the environment. Up to now, various countries have different standards and legislation for drilling waste management worldwide.