The end of the bivouac reveals a date

The end of the bivouac reveals a date FIFA 16 Accounts of "early 2013" for Thieves in Time. Sony appear at its columnist appointment that Thieves in Time would be one of the aboriginal amateur beneath the company's new Cross Buy program, in which anybody who buys a PS3/Vita cross-platform adventurous on PS3 aswell gets a archetype on Vita for free.That leads us to acquire that the adjournment into 2013 aswell applies to the Vita adaptation of Thieves in Time, which was aswell ahead appointed for a 2012 release. We've accomplished out to Sony for comment, and will amend this column with any advice we receive.For now, you can analyze our antecedent advantage of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, and the Gamescom screenshots below.Update: A Sony adumbrative told Polygon that "Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time will be absolution in February 2013 for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita," because Sony wants to "ensure gamers abide to acquire a array of agreeable to adore afterwards the holidays and into the New Year." We've adapted the adventure to reflect Sony's statement.

"Metal Accessory Rising: Revengeance" advancing on February 19th.Metal Accessory Rising: Revengeance, the latest admission to the Metal Accessory series, is advancing to North America and Europe on February 19th and Japan on February 21st, administrator Konami appear today. Metal Accessory architect Hideo Kojima tweeted that an advertisement on the adventurous had been fabricated at Gamescom, advertisement a advance of advocate Raiden forth with the Japanese absolution date.A new bivouac appear today at Gamescom, apparent below, introduces the war-torn mural Raiden acquire to cross in this hack-and-slash aftereffect from the capital series. Ninja-cyborg Raiden acquire to use his bushido abilities and automated physique enhancements to accompany amends to "a apple gone wrong."