Ouya, the $99 Kickstarter-backed, Android-powered FIFA 16 Coins console, has anchored an abrupt absolute bold due to be appear next year: That Dragon, Cancer, the independently-developed adventitious bold that tells the adventitious of adopting a adolescent adolescent diagnosed with terminal cancer.That Dragon, Blight is the plan of Ryan Green, Josh Larson, Jon Hillman and Nat Iwata. It is the adventitious of Joel, the 4-year-old son of Ryan and Amy Green, who has battled seven tumors in his attack for survival. Its creators alarm the point-and-click adventitious as a "living painting" and a composition of alternate storytelling. Through That Dragon, Cancer, players will bethink moments from the Green family's advancing activity with the disease.
Thanks to an investment from Ouya, the aggregation creating That Dragon, Blight will be able to complete the bold — it's currently a single, almost abbreviate vignette — and appoint added developers. Its creators appraisal it will be completed ancient in the added bisected of 2014.In an annual with Polygon, creators Ryan Green and Josh Larson and Ouya's Kellee Santiago talked about the accommodation to accompany That Dragon, Blight to the beginning console."Originally, we capital to actualize an art installation, something that bodies could play and acquaintance together," Green said.