How should we evaluate James more exactly

Lebron James is best 30 players? Jordan is also difficult to stop Bradley Roby Youth Jersey him! To illustrate, let us use data that follows is or is not own matter.
James has made many achievements, of course, four times the NBA finals defeat also let many people have noticed shadows from huang zhan. How to evaluate James is very difficult, in contrast to Jordan and Bryant are more controversial. American media "cheatsheet" given this assertion: "there's one thing to confirm, the league has not appeared in the young period in the history of a better player than James."
Thirty and stand. Before the age of 30 are usually regarded as young period of time. This paper is the key node for 30 years old.
There is no need to review James's road to the NBA. It is necessary to emphasize a number: 24913. This is the NBA scoring of James's career so far. James is the NBA history, 30, scoring 20. 's experience is more necessary on this point: on January 17, 2015. The day when James knight away victory over the clippers milestone achieved 24000 points.
He is the youngest Mr 24000 points in NBA history. It should be the case description: from 1000 to 24000 points, the NBA record for the youngest scoring milestone at various stages, belong to James.
James to soaring points time to pour back how many years? This seems to be very difficult to answer. Quite a long time have no individual score as the primary goal of James, still can monopolize the scoring milestone "youngest" list! James, of course, more impressive. But it is also has the objective cause, is has close relationship with the concept of "young".
James is not through the youngest player to enter the NBA draft, the honor belongs to Andrew bynum. But James is the league's youngest first. He became the NBA draft, in 18 178 days this record is only a weak ahead of Dwight Howard, but the record fully shows that the difference between James and his for the vast majority of players in NBA history position on the starting point of the age and the advantage.
James's record and advantage have been hard to beat. The NBA now performs can take part in the draft rules over the age of 19, Adam - would much rather Sheldon silver age limit to 20. This means: after James entered the league players, impact on the difficulty of the young emperor various record zhan is increased, the difficulty of the best young players in history greatly increased.
On the other, more outstanding individual level data, kobe Bryant can't suppress lebron James. In fact, kobe Bryant is "repressed" : he used to create various scoring milestone the youngest record, without exception are broken by James. Only won once in MVP kobe Bryant's career.
Both in the evaluation of the best, the most contrast meaning frame of reference, apparently, is Michael Jordan.
James, 30, now has four MVP award. The Jordan in the hands of the MVP trophy at the age of 30 number is three. The "most valuable player" is the most important indicator of evaluation best individual. The reality we all know: the MVP belongs always controversial because "so-and-so shouldn't defeated"; But on the whole is more fair, Jordan has been controversial MVP award, Bryant is, James is the same.
Sorry, dispute, at the age of 30, James elected four times most valuable player, the situation to his "best" ended at the age of 30 conclusion formed the hardness of the argument.
We through data trying to clarify the situation is the NBA achievement Knile Davis Chiefs Jersey at the age of 30. Conclusion is clear: James really qualified players was elected the best in the history of 30 years old, even the god of Jordan is difficult to block him.