Online mode "FIFA16 game indispensable, and online mode
buy fifa coins also has several different play, just like everybody here simply introduce the FIFA16 online mode play parsing, see together.
The FIFA 16 online mode play resolution strategy
1, season mode
Against form: two players, random search, each player controls a real team, but the system default will only search for you and your chosen team almost strong team.
Fun: don't hard to operate, it can choose your favorite team in the reality with online gamers fire, and the squad list is followed the realistic transfer and injured situation will have updates, players state also linked with the reality, will update.
Note: model 10, D1, highest points according to the players to win situation, every class has rules of games, see you can climb on lines to avoid relegation, upgrade, or off relegation to the line, everyone in the climb, so especially with the release buy fifa 16 coins of the game just a few months ago, all players crowd in wc3l, the higher the level the opponent is certainly more players of terror.
Suitable for players: new veteran all appropriate online mode.