Developer Dennaton Amateur is planning

We wish them to be altered — some you will accede added with, or will not accede with, or maybe will not acquire their motivations or agenda."We're aggravating to accomplish the apple richer," he added. "We came up with all these characters if we formed on the aboriginal game, so this time about we're cogent the abounding chance of Hotline Miami. That's why it's the endure one."Hotline Miami 2 will barrage on PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Windows PC, Mac and Linux next year.

Developer Dennaton Amateur is planning to add an unlockable college adversity admission for all levels in Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, Dennis Wedin told Polygon.This harder admission will acquiesce players who acquire a C+ or college on levels to alleviate the corresponding akin in harder mode. In harder mode, enemies will be added difficult to yield down and some abilities may be taken abroad from players, such as the accommodation to lock assimilate enemies if targeting them. Wedin said this harder admission will be added in acknowledgment to acknowledgment that the aboriginal Hotline Miami was too easy."In accustomed mode, it's ambrosial abundant the aforementioned [as Hotline Miami]," Wedin said. "We will add a harder admission to the game, like in the way Air-conditioned Meat Boy works."We added this because some bodies said that the aboriginal bold was too easy," he added