Floor to extend the life and maintenance tips

Floor every day by the stampede out numerous times, very easy to be ignored, and are usually more than just rub it, in fact, if noticed some small details, it can be more effective to increase the life of the floor. This provides protection floor in five points, so that your floor more durable, hard floor DIY efforts more timeless.Wholesale Composite decking products in china
1, various types of flooring will need regular dusting
Usually with a broom or vacuum cleaner to remove dust, often trampling place more to be diligent vacuuming. With particular attention to the foyer and walkway leading to the outside. Also in order to prevent dust into the house, dust mat can be placed at the entry point, or the installation of dust strip at the bottom of the door.
2, better than the wet dry
When using the mop to clean the floor, and then use the mop wring better, too wet mop, in the use of water would seep into the seams, damage the floor, causing the convex deformation of the floor, especially wood flooring, plastic flooring, cork Brick.Decking Made With 2x6 Decking
3, carefully choose the right skin care products
Select the appropriate aqueous floor wax, use only a wax product, the use of mixing different wax products will react with each other, so that the floor sticky dirty.
4, the amount of wax products in moderation
If the coating is too thick will dust sticking to the floor it will be easier, more difficult to polish the floor.
5, moving to be careful
To move furniture, lift is recommended way to avoid drag, so as not to scratch the floor; To further protect your floor, the bottom of the furniture can be retrofitted cloth sleeve or shim.
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