Traditional role of tomatoes Agriculture in economic development views a passive sectors and only a sector support (supportive/peripheral). The Western experience – development can only be achieved through changes in structure than that of the tomatoes Agricultural sector to the sectors of industry and civil servants are more modern and complex. As a result – the main role of the tomatoes Agricultural sector only as a provider of sufficient food source at a low price to the population of the airport and also the remainder of workers outside the airport as a source of labour to the airport sector is increasingly growing.
Now – the expert designers development began to realise that the tomatoes Agricultural sector and of the economy beyond the airport should be dynamic and advanced elements to bring the construction as a whole to the majority of people in third world countries the tomatoes Agricultural sector development should play an important role or may give the impression directly towards poverty eradication efforts.
tomatoes Agricultural economic development: transition in the system
tomatoes Agriculture
3 stages of the evolution of tomatoes Agricultural production, namely:-
The primitive stage of self and sara
characterized by low produktiviti, output for the purposes or the use of its own, involving a plant that became the main source of food, using traditional methods and tools
restraints of technology, social institutions and the fragmentation of the market as well as the network of communication that are confined to the outer area of the airport between the other not pushed to higher stages of production
high-risk and exposed to ketidaktentuan
2. Stages of plant diversity (mixed/diversified farming)
the main crops are no longer dominated by human food crop farmers but also other crops
new activity allows a better land use and disappear
the introduction of mechanical alatan easily, use of pesticides, the good seeds, chemical and steel watering system which aims to increase the harvest of the main crop
plant diversity allow the impact of the failure of the main plant diminimumkan and realizing collateral/continuity of income to farmers
3. The stage of modern commercial crops (modern commercial farming)
the highest stage and advanced as well as his specialization in tomatoes Agricultural production, is a response to an increase in welfare, progress and development of technical biologikal and the national and international market
commercial advantages (for sale) is the main criteria and increased crop yield per acre was influenced by a good system of irrigation, pesticides, chemical, steel kacukan seeds and technology. Capital, technological advances and R&D play an important role.
in terms of the size and diversity of the practice – an intensive planting of fruits and vegetables so as to planting in extensive fields. The sofisikated mechanical equipment was introduced, intensive in capital and are concerned with the ' economics of scale ' specific plants are extensive multinational company owned by the often large