tomatoes fruit is the best choice

tomatoes fruit is the best choice

Many people would have tasted of pleasantness and sweetness of tomatoes fruit. The berries are originally from India and many planted in Malaysia is very popular not only by adults, even my childhood too.

But did we think about the advantages or benefits of the fruit which is delicious and colorful oren this yellowish to overall health. Below are listed some of the benefits the health and known by the name scientific Mangifera Indica:

The health of the eye

Besides being rich in vitamin C, tomatoeses have high vitamin A content. One bowl hirisan tomatoes contains at least 25 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin a. the investigation shows that the tomatoes is effective to prevent various diseases related to such low vision eye, corneal damage, dryness and itching in the eye.


tomatoes has digestive enzymes that help breakdown the proteins as well as help the digestive process. This indeed is recognized without aggravating our minds how the mechanism or the science behind the process. It is enough to just eat the tomatoes we will know the efficacy of the process pencernaanya. This fruit contains enzymes that soothe the stomach by preventing keasidan and constipation because of the high content of fibers.

Smooth sex

The content of vitamin E in fruit tomatoes said can increase a person's sex drive with the original set of sex hormones in the body.

Improve memory

tomatoes fruit has content sufficient amounts of glutamic acid. According to this very beneficial combination study in particular to improve memory.

Skin soft and bright

For those who care about health, tomatoes fruit is the best choice Take tomatoes as diet makes your skin more supple and healthy. According to an article in health and beauty, sweeping to tomatoes skin face for approx. 10 minutes per day can remove dirt from pori-pori choked. It can reduce acne is skin health problems are most disliked by those that draw the face.