- Passive behavior will make the fat in the body is not burning. Physical activities will help control it and more and more use of glucose for energy the more sensitive your cells against glucose.
• Hereditary factors.
• Age.
The risk will increase along with the age where physical activity tends to decrease.
• Gestational diabetes.
If you have gestational diabetes while pregnant, then the risk of experiencing prediabetes and type 2 diabetes will increase later. If your baby born weighed over 4 pounds then you also affected risk of type 2 diabetes.
• Polycystic ovary syndrome.
Marked by irregular menstrual periods, the hair grows too much and obesity.
Other conditions related to diabetes include:
High blood pressure
Prevention Of Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented. However, type 2 diabetes can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
Eating healthy foods low in calories and fat
More physically active, especially with exercise
Keep your ideal weight
Get to know diabetes ranging from symptoms, causes, risk factors, and ways of prevention. What is a diabetes? diabetes is a condition of lenses of eyes that there are white patches like a cloud. This condition makes the sight impaired. diabetes can affect the visibility of the eye and the eye glare. diabetes generally do not cause irritation or pain.
Eye diabetes
Many cases of eye diabetes develop slowly and do not bother your eyes at first. But when the white stains on the lens starts to appear, the comfort of your vision will be impaired. Originally a bright light and glasses can help your eye sight.
But if this very disturbing your everyday, then surgery is the procedure you need. The good news eye diabetes removal surgery procedure is safe and effective to do. In addition, our Government is now providing diabetes eye surgery free of charge.
diabetes Symptoms
diabetes usually grow slowly and do not cause pain. In the early stages of this condition will affect only a small portion of part of the lens of your eye and may not affect your views. When diabetes grow larger then the white stain will start to cover the lens of the eye and interfere with the entry of light into the eye. In the end your eyes will be blurred and distorted.