KOSUN Hi-G dryer and Vertical Cuttings Dryer Used in Drilling Waste Management

Drilling waste into the waste liquid (ie, drilling waste water) and solid waste in two parts. Currently, The vertical centrifuge from KOSUN incorporates a high-speed vertical dryer http://www.kosun.us/drilling-waste-management/vertical-centrifuge.html that achieves maximum liquids/solids separation in large-volume processing. Cutting dryer gives operators a critical advantage in meeting increasingly stringent environmental regulations for onshore and offshore cutting disposal in drilling waste management system. Solid waste already have relatively mature technology.

In view of the above situation, the chief engineer Mr. Zhang, the principal of Xi’an Oil and Gas Drilling Waste Management Engineering Research Center, told us that there are many effective drilling waste management methods at present, including Hi-G dryer, solidification, thermal desorption, cuttings dryer system as well as WBM dewatering method, etc.

KOSUN drilling waste management companies have equipment which Hi-G dryer and vertical cuttings dryer would continue with dewatering and mud/gas separator to minimize waste disposal. KOSUN develops vertical cuttings dryer, drying shaker, decanter centrifuge, screw conveyor, screw pump and other first-class high-performance drilling waste management system, taking “zero discharge of drilling waste” as the drilling waste treatment standard.

In fact, the curing method is added to the drilling waste in a large amount of a curing agent (accounting for about 1/3 of the total waste), so that the water which is adsorbed after bury. Added curing agents are: fly ash, lime, sodium silicate, etc. This greatly increases the cost of the total and comprehensive utilization of waste. More seriously, after burying waste leachate will still have a serious groundwater pollution.so The vertical cuttings dryer features a state-of-the-art design that can process varying amounts of cuttings and fluids, vertical centrifuge is typically up to 60 tons per hour. Dry solids discharged from the dryer are typically≤5% oil content by wet weight.