Vertical roller mill is the main equipment of crushing and grinding, and the grinding effect is directly affected by the economic and technical indexes of the whole mineral processing plant. In the course of the vertical roller mill operation , which influence factors, let us explore.
There are many factors that affect the process of vertical mill, and the main parameters of which can be adjusted are the speed of vertical mill, the concentration of grinding, the filling rate of the medium and the ratio of feed to ball. Grinding process is grinding ball grinding and impact crushing, so the ratio of the filling rate and the ratio of the material directly affect the grinding effect.
Choose the suitable medium filling rate and feed the ball than can not only ensure the movement state of ideal medium, vertical mill run in the best working condition, to improve the grinding efficiency, and to guide the actual production to improve production technology index also has a very important significance.
If there is a problem in the vertical mill, the grinding effect of the mill will not be ideal. In the closed circuit grinding, if this situation occurs, the grinding fineness of the product will be changed. For example:
(1) fracture or fall off of the stand of the mill. When this problem occurs, the grinding body is channeling, the grinding effect of each warehouse is significantly worse, the product fineness is increased, and there are large particles, and is accompanied by the chaos phenomenon. Such problems must be handled in a timely manner, to prevent damage to the mill lining plate and cylinder.
(2) discharge grate damage or loss. In this case, the product fineness increases, the vertical mill grinding material in a broken, and even the whole of the grinding body, out of the mill and the choice of powder machine has a foreign body impact sound. This problem should be handled in time to prevent transmission and selection of equipment damage.
In order to improve the output of the vertical mill, the control and the effective management of the opposite mill should be ensured. Management goal is prevent in spite of operation state and eliminate, the equipment of fine operation, with low power consumption achieve high quality and high production. Reasonable production index is refers to the operation of the target, and the target must be to determine the upper and lower limits; the correct operating parameters must be controlled processes; troubleshooting measures referred to in the execution of the action method, failure to timely and efficient elimination.
Note that these process problems, in the actual production activities will give you a lot of convenience. Like will know yourself as well as the enemy, know yourself.