GENERAL SURFACE PREPARATION: All surfaces must be sound, dry, clean and free of oil, grease, dirt, mildew, form release agents, curing compounds, loose and flaking paint and other foreign substances. NEW SURFACES: Concrete veranda wood composite decking (concrete floors) and Masonry - Do not use on floors subject to hydrostatic pressure. Cure at least 30 days before painting. pH must be 10.0 or lower. Roughen slick poured or precast concrete and remove sealers by chemical cleaning or abrasive method such as sandsweeping. Rinse thoroughly with water and allow to dry. Must be internally dry. Remove loose aggregate. Prime with this product. Wood - Sand smooth. Remove sanding dust. Prime with this product. Steel - Performance over hand or power tool cleaned surfaces is dependent on the degree of cleaning. Prime with a metal how to replace boards on a porch primer. Galvanized Metal and Aluminum - Clean off oils and other contaminants. Prime with a galvanized metal primer. PREVIOUSLY PAINTED SURFACES: Wash to remove contaminants. Rinse thoroughly with water and allow to dry. Dull glossy areas by light sanding. Remove sanding dust. Remove loose paint. Scrub heavy chalk areas and overhead (exterior) areas such as eaves with soap and water. Remove all mildew by washing with a oak fence panelssolution of 16 oz (473 mL) liquid household bleach and two oz (59 mL) non-ammoniated liquid detergent per gallon (3.785 L) of water. Rinse thoroughly with water and allow to dry. Prime bare areas with primer specified under NEW SURFACES.