Barriers in the Drilling Waste Management Technology in The Future

The opportunities and the barriers for new technology are the same three elements discussed for all of the past, present and future treatment technologies.

The first barrier is operational. Any pollution prevention, recycling or disposal technology must perform to meet drilling operational or product requirements. Not every well is successfully drilled, and not every waste-management technique is successfully applied. In many cases, it takes several attempts to identify and address the operational needs of the particular region.

The application of technology is particularly difficult in the E&P industry due to environmental conditions and remote locations. The second barrier is environmental. While economic and operational barriers are usually clearly understood, environmental challenges are frequently a mix of scientific, regulatory and legal requirements. In some cases regulations have exclusively focused on regulated existing drilling waste management technology with little or no room for addressing innovative technologies. In some cases the technologies listed above have been prohibited due to past issues but with no allowance for technology improvements. Consequently improvement in the development of regulations is an overall opportunity for future improvements. Technology associated with evaluation and protection of the environment is also a barrier to development appropriate limitations for technology and is an opportunity for future improvements.

Finally, economic barriers are a major impediment for application of new technology. There are three aspects of economic performance. One evaluation results in the ability of a technology to address a certain contaminants in a waste stream. A larger economic evaluation looks at the overall economic viability of an enterprise in the context of operational and environmental requirements, Still in a large economic view, energy and environmental policy and the resulting economic conditions can drive the need for oil and natural gas industry in the context of other energy sources with higher and lower end-use emissions.