KOSUN Dryer shaker is a high efficient equipment used in dry-off the drilling fluid

Drilling waste management(DWM) is to treat and recover the solid phase generated during drilling process to finally meet environment protection and discharge standards in countries and regions locally. It can meet the requirement of non-landing treatment of drilling mud, effectively prevent environmental pollution, save drilling mud and reduce drilling cost. At present, there are many DWM solids control http://www.kosun.us/drilling-waste-management/ methods and devices with different treatment effects. View from the drilling situations of various drilling site at home and abroad, the most important and commonly used drilling waste management devices are vertical centrifuge and hi-g dryer.

Actually, Dryer shaker the same construction with shale shaker except its base height. The base of High-G Dryer is bigger than shale shaker. The difference between the shaker screen and Hi-G Dryer focuses their processing materials shale shaker processes the drilling mud and the High-G dryer deals with discharged drilling waste separated by solids control equipment.

With advanced KOSUN Dryer shaker technology, the dryer shaker is efficient in recovering more oil based drilling fluids and the Oil On Cuttings (OOC) figures is significantly reduced. Another benefit is the elimination of whole mud losses from the traditional shale shaker. So with the use of Hi G dryer shaker in the down stream of mud system, it can allows the shakers to run at their maximum capacity without the concern of the mud loss of the mud system. This is why the Middle East drilling contractor cone to us for the HI-G Cuttings Dryer for their existing mud system.

KOSUN is a professional oilfield drilling mud Hi-G Dryer supplier and manufacturer in China oil drilling mud solids control and drilling waste management industry. As a pioneer in this industry, KOSUN is capable of providing customers with series products, such as oil & gas drilling fluid solids control equipment, decanter centrifuge, drilling waste management equipment and drilling security equipment.