Property owners forced to buy flooring decoration materials does not legitimize its toll

Recently, some consumer complaints during the new house when the renovation of property forcibly subjected flooring decoration materials purchase, just make a new house renovated Wang said, in the decoration was a series of "King terms" charge of the property, even buy decoration materials also have to buy the property.
Property owners forced to buy flooring decoration materials does not legitimize its toll
Property owners forced to buy flooring decoration materials
Wang said that residential property owners require renovated house must pay a series of fees to the property. These include solid waste disposal fees during the renovation, lift fees, decoration workers temporary passes and deposit fee, license fee and decoration, decoration management services, decoration and construction margin, add up to more than 3000 yuan to pay fees to the property . This allows property owners to feel the presence of arbitrary charges of suspicion, because they have to pay a fee to the property property management services, property actually also asked to pay so much money. composite vinyl flooring looks like wood
And even more puzzling is that the owners, property owners actually also requires the purchase of property in the decoration must be introduced to provide flooring and cement, the price is much higher than the market, but do not buy can not give it to provide water, electricity, and do not Allow transported into the cell, and even trolley to the property must be rented. So many requirements, so that the property owners feel encountered develop the "provisions of the King."
Property deny decoration materials management fees
Since then the owner has paid the property management service charges, why have to charge so much property expenses? Manager Zhao said, there is a lot of construction waste during the renovation, but also require frequent use of the elevator, so a charge for residential and office security management consider making a renovation workers temporary access permit.
Manager Zhao said, including decoration and construction margin, renovation management service fees of these fees are intended to ensure that owners during renovation, such as the need for supervision and management of the property will provide the manpower and resources to monitor, it will be charged . And when the property owners will pay owners and renovation and decoration company signed a tripartite agreement, if there is no damage to the owners renovated residential houses and other public areas, natural deposit will be refunded to the owner.
Experts sound: the need to explore whether the property was a fair price
During owners renovated the property to provide the corresponding service for a fee, which is reasonable, as long as the property does provide appropriate services.
A deputy director also said that the property service charges they apply only to property filing and approval, but because "Hainan property service charges management approach" is not specified in detail some of the costs charged by the property management issues during the renovation, so they do not Good finds Hee Park South trillion residential property practice this fee if there is unreasonable. Chen, deputy director, said the Provincial Price Bureau will reflect this research and discuss the reasonableness of such fees or not.You might like:
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