How to eliminate the after taste of home improvement paint

Decoration always leave some problems, for example, flooring, paint, then paint brush after the home, often heavy residual paint fumes. In smelling room, home owners will be uncomfortable. So how to eliminate unpleasant odors renovated it? Xiaobian to popularize Knowledge!
1, a new home often exudes a pungent paint fumes, and for a long time left in the room, people confused and uncomfortable. Then you can put salt water basins in the interior, paint fumes will soon be eliminated. If it is wood furniture exudes paint fumes, can scrub with tea a few times, paint fumes will be eliminated faster. Fabric sofa was food contamination, to be cleared immediately. If the juice, tea and other pollution, use paper towels to absorb moisture, then the kitchen washing liquid wiped finally wipe with water.
2, you can go to the market to pick some high-tech cleaner cured flavor, it can remove the newly renovated rooms, new furniture and other harmful gases emitted. According to the source, these cured flavor cleaners are generally imported products, the use of ammonia compounds react chemically with harmful substances, which play a role in cleaning cured flavor. In the newly renovated rooms, you can put this cured flavor detergent into the dish, the dish were placed in each room, combined with the scrubbing cured flavor law, after a few days in a row can effectively remove unpleasant odors.
3, the most economical way to beautify the home is put on the right course, the flowers in the home can absorb formaldehyde cactus plants, spider plants, Gerbera, reeds, ivy, cycads, chrysanthemum; while eliminating xylene flowers there ivy, cycads, chrysanthemum.
There is a problem you have to deal with home improvement immediately, otherwise it will leave a security risk. Newly renovated house, there will always be some odor, the most important thing is to make room ventilation.
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