How waterproofing acceptance

The decoration is a learned skill, which can be described as knowledge why thousands renovation encompassing knowledge, such as the renovation before have to prepare? Decoration materials how to choose? How to use with tile flooring and tiling? Kitchen and bathroom renovation have any needs?
Household water is a very important part of the decoration, to ensure there is a good home space defense, not only to know how to waterproof construction, in order to monitor and supervise staff properly fitting construction; also learn acceptance waterproofing to ensure proper waterproofing is then covered, will be able to avoid the use of process water leakage problems and vulnerabilities arise decoration, but also timely to exclude the existence of improper waterproofing bring judgment interference.
Waterproofing and hydropower project, as part of the home of two important "hidden works." The so-called hidden works, that is, the surface can not see the renovation and construction, they are "hidden" under the floor, tile, cement. This means that once the cement covering waterproofing works on the "turning back", if there are problems, can not be the case without damaging the surface decoration for maintenance. Due to seepage, leakage, mildew and other problems are more common in everyday family life, the problem is very difficult to track the reasons, the cost of maintenance is also high. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good waterproof, and after acceptance, in order to be covered.
Acceptance waterproofing works, you first need to have a pair of sharp eyes of owners and a delicate heart. The first step is to observe the waterproof layer smooth, clean, no cracks, no dusting, yin and yang, there is no make rounded corner, compliance with national standards of height (bathroom wall 180cm, 30cm kitchen floor, etc.). Furthermore, the core of the project is closed water waterproof test, you need to let the ground soaked, therefore, need a variety of tools to block the sewer, in front of the retaining wall.
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