You Can't Help The Poor if, You're One of Them
Blogs,Self Improvement,Internet Marketing Poverty Mindset: You Can't Help The Poor if, You're One of Them Written by: Vaurn James No, I don't mean your financial status, but more, you're emotional, spiritual and skill development. Success is an internal process; therefore, those who have achieved it in any endeavor have made a significant investment in identifying their shortfalls and continue to make the required improvements to achieve prosperity in any capacity.Do you suffer from a Poverty Mindset and has it prevented you from improving the overall, quality of your life? Now, if, the term is unfamiliar then, allow me to explain, a "Poverty Mindset" refers to an individual's thought process that is self-limiting and entrenched in negativity, where as the individual's conduct over time reinforces his/her own negative condition.